I was born and raised in a Christian home in Atlanta, Georgia. I was saved when I was just five years old. I don’t remember what initially made me want to get saved, but I knew I didn’t want to go to Hell. I prayed on my own one night after church, and told my family the next morning. I began to doubt my salvation when I was about six years old, because I couldn’t understand how God could exist if He was never created. My mom constantly prayed with me, and walked me through the gospel. When I was nine I got assurance of my salvation, and was baptized in my church shortly after.
When I was fifteen or sixteen Covid hit, and we were all in lockdown. That time at home is when God really started convicting me of not truly living for Him, and living more as a “check-the-box Christian”. My sophomore year of high school I confessed a lot of sin in my life, and was really burdened to live rightly for Christ. I believe this is when God began to burden me to be a godly leader and example to those around me. He did this by giving me many opportunities to serve within my youth group.
In the summer of 2023 after my freshman year of college, God opened the door for me to be able to waitress at the Wilds. This was a great opportunity that really taught me what ministry was like. God used that summer to work in my life spiritually, and to begin burdening my heart for teenage girls. The following summer I worked as a counselor. This past summer was very eye-opening to me to the hurt that is in broken homes, and great need for the gospel in families.
During the summer, my plan was to go back to PCC for my junior year as a pre-physical therapy major. However, with about three weeks left of the summer God began to make it clear that is not what He had for me. The last week of camp, God opened the door for me to travel with the Frazor Team as their violinist. It was a very last-minute decision, but I’m so grateful for the Lord’s leading in my life! He is working all things together for good, and I’m very excited for the ministry opportunities in this next year!
~ Heather Bowman

Heather Bowman
Team Secretary